Well folks, wait 'till you see this info.
The suggested retail price for an assembled top through the
Parts Department of your local friendly dealer (?) is $4,620.00. The price was just released and it should (?????) include freight to the dealer. I understand that the tops are not being released for shipment until the Ford supplier has determined the best way to ship them.
This is quite a price shock when the actual difference in price of the standard convertible with the deluxe model (which includes the
hardtop) is about $1,500.00, I believe.
My dealer is making a concession on the price and I won't have a final price until the shipping item is resolved. But, I think there is a lot of room for negotiation since
Parts often have a 40% - 50% mark-up to play with.
So - if you're thinking of ordering an extra top - better to see what your final costs might be before proceeding.
It would be interesting to see if we could get more pricing information about dealers that have to replace tops because of ordering screwups.